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We are careful to protect your individual rights and your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, store, share and protect your personal data when you visit the Glenair Nordic website.


Examples of information obtained:

  • Company name
  • Contact name
  • Business address/billing address
  • Phone number and email address
  • IP number

If you apply for a job online, we use your information in our recruitment process.

The purpose of information obtained

  • To be able to provide access to our products and services
  • To be able to provide relevant information
  • To be able to make contact and offer our products and services


We may contact you to tell you about new products or services that we consider to be of interest to you or that are similar to products that you have already purchased or asked for.

If you would like to receive newsletters, general information or marketing via our website, we may collect the following data on you:

  • Contact information (e-mail, address, telephone number, professional title or role) and company name

Disclosure of information to third parties?

Glenair Nordic does not disclose information to third parties.


A cookie is a small text file that the website you visit asks to be allowed to save on your computer. Cookies and similar techniques are used on most websites to provide visitors with access to various features. It is also possible to use the information in the cookie to follow how the visitor is browsing.

This site uses cookies in order to provide a good user experience and for Glenair to learn more about how we can improve our website. The information is not used to identify individual visitors but to see how visitors use the site generally.

How is the information stored?

Information obtained through forms at is stored in Pyramid, our financial system.

How long will the data be stored?

Glenair Nordic does not store personal data for longer than is necessary, only as long as it is needed to manage customer relations or other services. We have routines for deleting data related to contacts that are no longer active. In some cases, however, we have to save data for longer periods of time due to special legislation.

We also delete data at the request of the data subject. This is can be achieved by emailing

Information security

We have routines and working methods to ensure that your personal data is processed securely. Our starting point is that only employees and other individuals within the organization who need the personal data to carry out their duties may have access to it.

Our IT systems have your privacy in focus and protect against intrusion, destruction or other events that may pose any risks.


As a user of the Glenair Nordic website,, you are entitled to demand transparency in the processing of personal data. You may also require correction, limitation or deletion of personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation. Information is deleted or changed upon request by emailing

As the processing of personal data is based on consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

If you believe that Glenair Nordic has not observed your rights under the Personal Data Act, you may appeal to the relevant supervisory authority. This is achieved by sending a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection´s. Contact details can be found at:


From time to time it is necessary to change our Privacy Policy. In cases of major change to content, we will alert and notify users via our website or e-mail.


Tel. 08-50 55 00 00
Glenair Nordic AB, Box 726, 169 27 Solna

Glenair is a world leading company specialized in interconnective solutions. Our global sales network in Europe, Asia and the USA ensures fast deliveries and high level of technical support. Glenair Nordic covers Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, our customers include both large and small companies.

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